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Friday, January 20, 2017

3 Ways to Prepare Your Home to Sell This Spring

More homes sell during the spring than any other season, but if you want to get the most out of your home sale this spring, you need to prepare your home a little differently. Here's how.

Make no mistake, more homes sell during the spring than any other time of the year. In Philadelphia, it's usually because most people want to have their kids in their new school district by the time summer starts. It also means that there's more competition for home sellers on the market, so you need to prepare your home correctly if you plan to sell during the spring.

These are the top three things you can do to prepare for a successful home sale this spring:

  1. The price needs to be correct from the beginning. We compare this to chasing a train—if you price a house higher than it should be, first, you'll be out of the category of homes that your target buyers can afford. Secondly, you'll have to keep chasing the market, meaning your house will stay on the market and start to look stale in the eyes of buyers. 
  2. First impressions count. Five times more people will view your property the first day it's posted online than they will a week later. That's why we need to ensure the property is in show-ready condition. 
  3. Get a home inspection before going on the market. This will point out dozens of pages worth of little items that need to be addressed or at least brought up to code before putting the property on the market. We want to be ahead of these issues as opposed to getting big surprises after going under contract. Getting a home inspection ahead of time allows us to either repair issues ahead of time or make a price adjustment to ensure buyers that we're aware of the issues.

If you'd like, I'd be happy to send you a copy of the sample inspections report I referenced in the video above. If you have any other questions for us or you're thinking about buying or selling a home, don't hesitate to give us a call today. We'd love to help you!